Vanguard Extra pack comic style coming soon! 3rd December 2011

Vanguard Extra pack comic style coming soon! 3rd December 2011

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Megacolony deck part 1 Griaffa build

                                               Grade 0

                                   Raider Mantis (Draw) x4
                                 Sharpnel Scropio (Crictical) x4
                                    Sonic Cicada (Stand) x4         
                          Medical Combatant Lamprey (Heal) x4
                    Lava Phantom Giraffa (Starting vanguard) x1

These are the trigger set up for Mega Colony. Even though its balanced ,they can release a better kinda trigger setup on the up coming 5th set for this clan...And the starting vanguard for Mega Colony is good. In a way , the riding mechanism is good so that u won't misride that easy.. It applies to other new starting vanguard for other clans such as, shadow paladin, nova grappler, dimension police and kagero....

                                           Grade 1
                                    Pupa Phantom Griaffa x4
                                       Phantom Black x4
                                      Paralyse Madona x2
                                      Stealth Milipede x3
                                Description: The pupa phantom is similar to the new riding as the decks like shadow paladin's blaster javelin....but it searches for a elite phantom giraffa. Phantom black is added for a good back row 8000 boost. Stealth millipede is a good booster for the vanguard. 10000 beacause all of the opponents units are confirmed resting after attacking, and its effect needsn all opponents unit to rest. So definietly the effect needs all opponents units to rest.
So definitely the effect is easy to be requiring it to have additional 4000 power.
                                              Garde 2 

                                      Bloody Hercules x2            
                                    Elite Phantom Giraffa x4

                                                        Iron Cutter Beetle x2

                                            Tail Jaw x2
                                          Description:Elite Phantom Giraffa is good as its skill allows you to prevent one of your opponents rear guard to stand during your opponent's turn but his attack needs to hit. Iron cutter beetle is a powerful attacker as it is a 10000 attacker and it gain 2000 power when attacking. But you must have a Elite Phantom Giraffa on your vanguard circle or iron cutter beetle's attack will just only be a 5000. Tail Jaw is good as it gains 3000 power when all your opponents rear guards are all resting. Bloody Hercules is a 10000 puncher with no requirements unlike Iron cutter beetle.

                                                                   Grade 3

                               Wicked Shell Shogun, Giraffa x4

Viloent Vesper x2  
                                       Hell Spider x2
                                       Description:Wicked shell shogun, giraffa can retire 2 of your opponents grade 1 rear guard when it attack hits and a counterblast 2 and by retiring 2 of your mega colony rearguards. Its better than cards like Amber Dragon Eclipse as you have to use Amber Dragon Eclipse counterblast before you attack.Violent vesper can help you call rear guards by checking the top card of your deck and calling it to the rearguard and it can be any grade! Better than Gigantic Charger. Hell Spider can prevent your opponent from standing for a counterblast 2.

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